A further example of partial-preterism weakness as it comes to defending the future Second Coming of Christ: See this list (picture below) of 18 things that cannot have happened in 70AD, presented by partial-preterist Steve Gregg at the beginning of his book against full-preterism. Notice what’s missing from his primary list of 18 things that didn’t happen in 70AD. I hope most Christians would begin this kind of a list with the MOST obvious event (or at least include a clear reference to it at some point in a list of 18 things), namely the physical visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ! Such as with a reference to Matt 24:30 and Revelation 1:7 like Herman Bavinck does (see my previous post), or any other NT passages on the topic. My point is certainly not that Gregg doesn’t believe in a future Second Coming, of course he does, that’s why is he is a partial-preterist and not a full-preterist. However, my point is to show how weak partial-preterists are with biblical references to the Second Coming, especially when faced with heretical full-preterism (or ‘consistent preterism’ as many of them prefer to be called, and understandably so). Later in his book, Gregg also states strong confidence in Acts 1 and Thessalonians, very similarly like the short list in the ‘Unorthodox Eschatology’ statement mentioned above: “Two instances where the “coming” of Christ is seen as the end of the world much more reasonably than the destruction of Jerusalem, or any other historical event, are the references in Acts 1:11 and 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18.” (Gregg, Steve. Why Not Full-Preterism?: A Partial-Preterist Response to a Novel Theological Innovation, p. 60)
